What’s inside your sewer 11? Is that an Alien Facehugger egg?

What’s inside your sewer 11? Is that an Alien Facehugger egg?

Sep 06, 2024

Watch a video showcasing a Riezler sewer crawler's capabilities. Also a possible Alien Facehugger egg encounter while performing this routine sewer pipe inspection? This video was shot with a Riezler sewer inspection crawler/robot. Send us your best videos for a chance to be featured in our next blog post.


Watch a video showcasing a Riezler sewer crawler's capabilities. Also a possible Alien Facehugger egg encounter while performing this routine sewer pipe inspection. This video was shot with a Riezler sewer inspection crawler/robot. Send us your best videos for a chance to be featured in our next blog post. #WhatsInMySewer #WhatIsThat #SewerExploring #RiezlerPipeInspection, #AlienFacehugger

♬ original sound - InsightVision

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