What’s inside your sewer 14? Apparently Sea Creatures are also in Your Sewer

What’s inside your sewer 14? Apparently Sea Creatures are also in Your Sewer

Sep 18, 2024

Apparantly Sea Anenomes, among other creatures, are also in Your Sewer. This video showcases a Riezler sewer crawler's capabilities while performing this routine sewer pipe inspection. This video was shot with a Riezler sewer inspection crawler/robot. Send us your best videos for a chance to be featured in our next blog post.


What's inside your sewer 14? Apparently Sea Creatures are also in Your Sewer. Sea Anenomes, among other creatures, are also in Your Sewer. This video showcases a Riezler sewer crawler's capabilities while performing this routine sewer pipe inspection. This video was shot with a Riezler sewer inspection crawler/robot. Send us your best videos for a chance to be featured in our next blog post. #WhatsInMySewer #WhatIsThat #SewerExploring #RiezlerPipeInspection, #sewerSeaAnemones, #SewerSeaCreatures

♬ original sound - InsightVision

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